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Weaning & Solid Food Introduction Workshop

This class is suitable for new parents, grandparents, confinement ladies, your baby's major caregivers. It is available in both Cantonese or English. The skills are applicable to newborn at 3-12 months old.


You Will Learn

  • A smooth transition from breastfeeding or formula feeding to solid food

  • Comparison between traditional weaning and baby led weaning

  • Three major developmental milestones which tell baby is ready to wean

  • How to start and food choices

  • Useful tools to help prepare baby's food

  • Other resources about weaning your baby e.g. books recommended, shops to get weaning tools etc.


Why Do We Have to Learn about Solid Food Introduction to Baby?

Learning about solid food introduction for babies is important because it is a crucial stage in a baby's development. It is a time when they transition from a solely milk-based diet to a more diverse and nutritious diet that includes solid foods. Proper solid food introduction can help prevent feeding problems, allergies, and other health issues, and can also help to establish healthy eating habits that can last a lifetime. Additionally, understanding the appropriate timing, types of foods, and feeding methods for solid food introduction can help ensure that your baby receives the nutrients they need to support their growth and development.

Common mistakes to avoid when introducing solid foods to a baby:

1. Starting too early:

Starting solid foods too early can increase the risk of food allergies, digestive issues, and choking. It's important to wait until your baby is at least 4-6 months old and showing signs of readiness, such as being able to sit up with support, showing interest in food, and having good head and neck control.

2. Introducing too many new foods at once:

Introducing new foods one at a time allows you to identify any potential allergic reactions or digestive issues. Wait a few days before introducing another new food, and be sure to offer a variety of foods to help your baby develop a taste for different flavors and textures.

3. Giving too much food:

Babies have small stomachs and don't need much food at first. Start with a teaspoon or two of pureed food and gradually increase the amount as your baby gets used to eating solids. Be sure to offer breast milk or formula first, and use solid foods as a supplement to their milk-based diet.

4. Offering foods that are choking hazards:

Foods that are small, hard, round, or sticky can easily get stuck in a baby's throat and cause choking. Avoid giving these types of foods to babies, and be sure to cut or mash foods into small pieces that are easy to swallow.

5. Not paying attention to baby's cues:

Babies have their own unique appetite and feeding patterns, so it's important to pay attention to their cues to avoid overfeeding or underfeeding. Watch for signs that your baby is full, such as turning their head away, closing their mouth, or pushing the spoon away. And if your baby seems hungry, offer more food or breast milk/formula as needed.

Overall, introducing solid foods to a baby can be an exciting and rewarding experience. By avoiding these common mistakes and following best practices for solid food introduction, you can help ensure that your baby has a safe and healthy transition to a more diverse and nutritious diet.


On Demand Online Class

Enrolment fee for Weaning Workshop


Solid Start Class

On Demand Online Class

Enrolment fee for online Paediatric First Aid Class

HK$500 per user

To apply for certificate, there will be an additional HK$50 charged for each application.

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